Thursday, January 10, 2013
Sale Of Waterline Insurance Not Associated With City, Utility System
Lawrenceburg leaders who learned Thursday that individuals are attempting to sell waterline insurance to local residents, wish to point out that the company is in no way affiliated with city government or the local utility systems.
Lawrenceburg City Administrator Chris Shaffer brought the matter to the attention of members of the Lawrenceburg Board of Mayor and Council during a business meeting. He explained that salesmen are attempting to sell policies to cover costs associated with waterline repairs.
Lawrenceburg Utility Systems is responsible for repairs up to the point where individual water meters meet city lines. Officials pointed out Thursday that once lines enter homes, they are covered under homeowners’ insurance policies.
LUS General Manager Vic Pusser pointed out that lines are uninsured only from the meter to the house itself. Residents are asked to keep this in mind, however should they wish to purchase insurance to cover this distance they will be able to do so.